Monday, January 26, 2009

New Play Room, New Moves

Good Day all! This has been a splendid week. I have really been moving. Crawling is my next feat, I'm thinking very soon! I really can roll and scoot everywhere pretty fast. Watch out mom and dad, those books on the book shelf are much more fun on the floor. Below you will see another one of my latest moves. I can pull myself up to the standing position. This is so much fun!

My mom and I made cookies this week. I love the spatula. It is really cool how you can see through the holes. The cookies smelled so delicious, I'm sure they tasted great! We like to make cookies for the basketball players on daddy's team. His team is doing awesome, by the way. I think their record is 8-1. I'm very proud of Daddy.

We ended our week in Troy, Michigan. We went to the Somerset Collection Mall. It was so fun! There were lots of people like me being pushed around everywhere. The elevators were super neat too. You could see through the glass walls. I also saw palm trees that grow indoors. WOW! Who knew that was possible? We went to this special mall to get my number rug from Pottery Barn Kids. This rug is going in my new play room at home.

I got to eat at a food court too! Mom shared her fruit bowl with me. YUM! I loved the cantaloupe, watermelon and especially the pineapple.

Here I am in my new play room. Isn't it sweet?

Have a great week! Stay warm out there! Go Steelers!!!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Hello Everyone! Sorry I was out last week. Mom made me take a plane to the warm country, aka Florida. It was a blast! I really enjoyed the plane ride. I met so many friends and made so many people laugh. I was very confused how I went from wearing hats and mittens to being in a short sleeved onesie in a matter of hours. The miracle of airplanes I guess. It was so nice to go barefoot again...ahhh how I love my feet.

Mom and I were lucky to be able to take a short trip to Daytona area to see my G and G Dunlap and also my Great G and G Simon. We got to put our toes in the sand and the ocean. The sand was sticky on my feet and hands. I thought it felt neat. There were tons of birds everywhere too. See the seagulls below. They were flying everywhere. I almost touched one. I also got to swim a big, warm pool indoors. I loved it! It was like a giant bathtub.

I decided on my journey that I had been missing out on eating real food way too long. So each time everyone sat down to eat, I thought I should get the chance to eat too. I think my point was well taken since I got to eat oranges, grapes, banana, and these cool puff things that tasted like apples. They melt in your mouth!

Florida was really fun. I was sad to leave the sun and water but happy to see Daddy and Wrigley. I mentioned them many times on my journey but seeing them was so much better. I look forward to returning back to the ocean. In the meanwhile, I will continue to work on my crawling. I really like to flop around like a fish but can't seem to put all the motions together to crawl. Oh, still no teeth either...I keep chewing and gnawing with hope of a tooth arrival. We'll see what happens.
Peace Out!

Monday, January 12, 2009

On A Vacation...

Friends, I hate to tell you, but I am away for the week. Mom and I decided last week we wanted to get a tan and feel the warmth. So... we are in FLORIDA!!!
I am going to miss daddy, but he was happy I was going to get some fresh air. He wanted to go, he just had that thing called work he had to do, along with coaching basketball. I will send him love from the warm lands of Daytona.

See you in a week, when I will have fun pictures of me from the Sunshine State!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year one and all! I have decided that 2009 will be the year of many firsts. I am planning on sleeping through the night some time this year:). I also plan on crawling, walking, talking MORE, and doing some traveling too. I have already begun working on some of these feats.

Along with my new year resolutions, I have spent the past week kicking my cold to the curb...for good I HOPE! I also said "Hi" to my Dad one time. He was floored. I laughed.
I continue to learn each and every day. Did you know that switches turn lights and fans on and off? I love to make things turn on and off. I also like to unlock window and doors. If my mom would let me, I would like to further investigate how the toilet works- FACINATING!

I have noticed that reaching for people or objects gets me what I want fast! Boy, it seemed to take me forever before I learned how to communicate my wants to others and now that I know out!

Here is one of my favorite past times...bouncing on the exercise ball!!!! My mom and dad have bounced me in their arms on this ball since day one. Now, I am learning how to bounce myself. It's FUN!

Dad went back to work this week. I am excited to go see him coach the boys basketball team. Go PANTHERS! Go DAD!

See you next week!