Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy Bee

Happy Tuesday... sorry I seem to be stuggling to make the Monday post deadline. Anyway, here are some highlights from the past week. I finally got a chance to play in my new sandbox. Wow, what fun! I really wanted to toss the sand on the wood chips but mom wasn't so into that idea. She tried to show me how to fill the buckets to make sandcastles. I really liked the way the sand felt. Something told me it wouldn't taste very good so I didn't even give it a taste test.

I also have found a new hiding place. There is a big cupboard in the kitchen that I can fit in once I take out all the plasticware that usually resides in it. They will never find me once I figure out how to shut the cupboard door. Hahaha...I'm so sneaky.

My most favorite food of all time... BANANAS!!!! I love them so much I try to eat the entire banana in one bite.

Well gotta go. There are many more things to see and do!!! I am standing up all the time, just not sure when to take the plunge and begin to walk. Hmmmm... sometime soon. Oh...I'm getting a new cousin soon. I guess things are moving and we should expect the arrival of Baby Tucker before June 20th. I'm hoping for a boy so I can show him all my tricks and we can wrestle together some day.
Happy June!

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