Monday, June 29, 2009


Happy Summer! I had a great week, did you? My new cousin finally arrived. Please welcome Olivia Michel Tucker born on June 24th in Phoenix. I got to see a glimpse of her via Skype the other day. She's cute...doesn't say much but seems pretty cool. I got to explore a new park this weekend. It was a great time because I got to slide and climb and swing with both my mom and dad. Sliding is okay but climbing is even MORE FUN!

This past weekend I got to take a tractor ride with my Grandpa Parrott. It was a great time. I wish we could go fast but I guess without a helmet we have to take it easy. I am so into adventure and going fast. I like to walk as fast as I can despite the fact that I often fall and hit my head. The thrill outweighs the injury I guess.

We went to Cascades to feed the geese old bread. I thought the bread was still pretty good myself. Instead of tossing pieces to the geese I ate it. Mom says I need to learn to share. Hmm...that's going to be tough especially when it comes to food. I really like eating!

The stairs are still a favorite of mine. I can reach the top in seconds and come back down pretty quick too. I am quick as lightning when I'm in my birthday suit- better grip and no clothing in my way. I think doing all these stairs have helped me get into some pretty good shape. Don't you think?

This is a BIG NO NO spot. I just can't seem to understand why I can't crawl on the printer. It's a great thing to climb on and see outside. It also has cool buttons to push that make noise. I always seem to get in trouble when I get on it though:(. Bummer.

So long...

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Uh oh... already trying to make copies of his butt cheeks! LOL! Cute pics!