Come on!!! I love to tell people what to do. I often tell them to "shum on"! I am learning how to speak clearly and in sentences. Since I was about 22 months old I began putting two and three words together and making sense of it all. I am now expanding my vocab and sentences to include 4 and 5 words. I also follow directions quite well when I feel like doing what is being asked of me. I love to help out! Here I am below taking my own picture. Pretty nice isn't it?
Our daffodil photo shoot at Cascades. It was brief but I let Mom shoot the pics she likes to take every year at this time. I guess the flowers are pretty.
Look closely at my teeth. My canine teeth finally decided to poke through. I thought I would have four gaps in my teeth forever but nope...they finally arrived. I have been sleeping much more sound now.
I much prefer to push the stroller or walk on my own. I feel riding is for babies and I'm definitely a big boy.