"Hey Boy" and oh yeah girls too. I like to call people boy! It's funny. Sorry for the late post. I have been adjusting to my new FULL SIZE bed. It's awesome to have so much room to flip and turn all night long. Plus it's really cool to have my mom or dad cuddle with me in my bed when I wake up in the night. Big news of the week...I finally decided I would tell others my name. My name is "Bwody".
My mom decided a photo shoot at Grandma Dede's would be fun. She's so sneaky I didn't even realize she was taking my picture. Usually I wouldn't pose so well for her if I knew what she was doing.
This is pac (pronounced pass). I love it! When I'm tired or don't feel well or just plain want it, I let you know. Pac? Pac?! Pac?
Daddy dresses up for work and for his "hoop ball" games. I thought I would try out the tie thing to see if I look as stylish as he does. Well...what do you think?