Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So "Beeg"

So I'm 20 months old is what they tell me but I'm here to tell you that I'm "Beeg". I can ride a scooter, feed the dog, vacuum, put on my own pants (without much assistance), shovel the driveway, and sleep in a full size bed! I just began undressing myself- how liberating! I can tell you "no" and "yes" sometimes. I like things just right. Don't move a thing out of place or drop things and leave them. I get very upset. Every thing has its place- unless I decide otherwise. I love to eat and eat and eat, especially "hookies" and "meelk". My parents make me mad because they don't always let me have my hookies. Watch out when I'm mad. I have a beeg temper too (toddlerism). I am really taking interest in the potty too. I think I will try out the big potty sometime soon. Well, back to my choo choos. Shorge is waiting for me to get off the computer and come play!


1 comment:

Russ and Karen Gaston said...

I tell ya, these boys are going to eat us out of house and home! LOL. Cookies are always a favorite. Speaking of food...Lets do dinner soon k?