Monday, November 16, 2009

New Do, New Words

I got my hair cut! Yep, no more shag around the ears or comb over. My dad took care of it with his clippers. I did pretty well for my first time. The clippers kinda tickled. Here is my before shot. I even said "haircut" in preparation of the event.

Gotta love my straggly- looking locks:)

Ta Da!!!! Mom and Dad think I look much more mature. I would agree with that. In fact I have really begun to talk. I say "doggie", "work", "shoes", "Wendy", "hat" and many more. I can recite all the animals on the farm noises like "quack quack", "moo", "ruff ruff", "meow", and much more. You name it... I can impersonate it. I also know my body. You ask me where my eyes, chin, hair, toes, belly, etc are and I will point to each part.

I love electronics, especially the computer. I love to look at old pictures of me and old videos too. I think I'm totally hilarious.

Thank God I have remained healthy this fall. So many people have been really sick. It's too bad. As long as I eat my broccoli, take my naps and keep my hat on outside I think I will stay pretty healthy.


1 comment:

Russ and Karen Gaston said...

Aweee!!! He's so handsome! What a cutie. I've got to get Benn's cut but I just can't do it yet.