Monday, September 1, 2008

Last week with Daddy

This is the week where daddy goes back to school. I will miss our days home together. We became good buds and I really liked spending time with him. The plus side is that I will get to see mommy during the week as her job is flexible and lets her stay home with the Brodster.

Blue eyes anyone!
This past week was filled with playing outside, swimming, hanging with Ben Ben and watching Michigan lose their home opener:(

On Sunday I had a great time eating lunch with G and G Dunlap. We got to lay in the tall grass and take photos. I even got to see a praying mantis up close.I also had a chance to show them how good I can be at resisting a nap! I don't think mommy was thrilled with it though.

Brown Jumpsuit!

On Labor Day my daddy took me out to Parma to go and see G and G Parrott. Boy did we have fun! I played with the dogs and and spent good quality time with gramdma and grandpa.

Ohh! I almost forgot to tell you about my new jumping gym I received for being such a good son. My parents know that I have lots of energy and they were looking for a way for me to get it out besides in their arms. And this was the result. I am very pumped about this purchase.
This is for all my skeptics out there who don't belive that I am typing these blogs. How about them apples!

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