Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I have experienced another first this past week. Boy, I could really get used to holidays. So much eating and eating and more eating! I can't wait to try all the great looking stuff next year. I did get to experience mashed potatoes- not my favorite but boy did I enjoy the pumpkin in pumpkin pie! Yum! Yum!

I spent Thanksgiving at G and G Parrott's house with Aunt Wendy and her boyfriend Jason. It was a great time. Later that day I got to go play with 3 other people who are almost the same age as me. They happened to be my second cousins, Gabe, Nick and Marc. We had a great time telling each other about our toys and stuff we like to do.

In addition to the holiday, I got to spend some extra time with Dad since he was off school for a few extra days. I haven't done any new tricks as of late. Did I mention I clap now? That seems to get people really excited! If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Have a great week! I get to see Santa this week! Not sure who he is but all the other kids seem pretty excited when they speak of him. We'll see what I think.

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