Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Great Day for UP!

This was a week of new adventures for me. See here, I am standing in my crib! I finally discovered how to pull myself up. Now I can keep watch over my toys in my room during the night and during nap time too.

Again, practicing my standing skills while playing with one of my favorite toys. It's a great toy because I can lean on it when my legs start to give way. When I get really tired of standing I creep over to the wall where my baseball pillow sits and collapse on the padded surface. Brilliant!

This is the lastest and greatest! I can cruise up the entire staircase now. I am getting faster and faster going up but coming back down is a different story. My mom says I cannot turn around and take a flying leap like I prefer. She tells me I have to slide down on my belly. Hmm... not sure that sounds like as much fun as jumping.

My next goal is to figure out this gate. They say it keeps me safe. I think it gets in the way of adventure. In the meantime, it's great fun to hold on to. I also enjoy throwing my toys over it and watching them tumble down the stairs.

Mom and Dad tell me I have developed "attitude". I don't know what they're talking about, do you?

I keep tabs on Wrigley and the squirrels outside. They are pretty fun to watch. I can't believe that dog thinks he's ever going to catch those crazy squirrels, they're way too quick!

I expect to be walking very soon! This past week I gained some courage and stood up by myself for a few seconds before I lost my balance. It was fun and scary all at the same time. We'll see...they say that practice makes perfect!

Happy Easter to you all! Until next time...

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