Friday, December 18, 2009

Belated Posting

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay in my postings these past few weeks. It's been super busy with Christmas right around the corner, basketball season starting up and all sorts of other happenings. There's been no time to blog!

Anyway, no pics this week. I will have some next week. I have been plugging away at my vocab. You ask me to say something...I say it. I'm much like my name...parrott (oops) I mean parrot. I have also been mastering my puzzles, my reading, my shooting baskets, and my household chores. Did I tell you that I get to feed the dog sometimes? I do really well at it and I know it helps out my mom and dad.

Christmas is coming. I can't wait to see what "Tanta" leaves at my house. I think a scooter may show up at my house or maybe even some "Shorge" books or DVDs. I love to watch Curious Shorge these days. It stinks that he's only on at certain times. With a DVD, I can watch him whenever I want.

Enough about me. Christmas is about "Baby". I say good morning and good night to Baby Jesus who sits on our bookshelf with our nativity scene. I like the baby and I've been told he is the reason for the season. Cool!

Hope you all are enjoying your moments. Don't fret, just enjoy the ones you love:)



Chrystal said...

How cute about the baby Jesus! Brody must have good parents, who teach him well. (P.S. I think he wants a baby brother or s
ister. Haha!)

Russ and Karen Gaston said...

Sounds like Brody is definitely in the Christmas spirit! We're looking forward to your Ugly Sweater party on the 2nd. Russ has the perfect costume...yes, I said costume. I'll give you a hint...Think Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation!!! LOL.